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Encounters in Sydney South Africa New York Melbourne London Dubai Canada Ireland

Marketing // Insights // Websites // Creative

VOX Telecoms

Clicks (6 months)
+ 0 %
Impressions (6 months)
+ 0 %
CPC (6 months)
- 0 %
Conversion Rate (6 months)
+ 0 %

Status: Success

Media Rocket Mission control was engaged to increase the value of the site’s position in the Organic Search Results. In line with this the team was tasked to setup a robust and comprehensive tracking and analytics environment that connected various datasets and highlighted important critical success factors in various channels and projects.

The teams mission was and is to surface performance data to the Vox management team around performance metrics for their online activities as well as work with the development team in implementing advanced analytics and tracking practices on the front and backend of the site.

Using this data environment the mission team keeps a close eye on the site’s performance online and, in particular, in Search Engine Results pages with the goal of owning and maintaining the search position.


Service details

Service sets:

  • Technical Search Engine Optimisation
  • Content SEO Consultation
  • Data Driven insights and consultation
  • Event, Goal and conversion tracking setup and management
  • A/B testing setup and management
  • Technical Analytics services


  • SEO optimiser
  • Data Analyst
  • Analytics Architect

Service sets


Technical Search Engine Optimisation

Content SEO Consultation

Data Driven insights and consultation

Event, Goal and conversion tracking setup and management

A/B testing setup and management

Technical Analytics services


SEO optimiser

Data Analyst

Analytics Architect

Marketing // Insights // Websites // Creative


These are some more brands within the VOX Telecom group that are entrusted to us to build websites, deliver insights and improve results on.

“Media Rocket has been fantastic. They are pros with the GTM and have been extremely patient with trying to assist us to tag and track a very complex environment. Their knowledge of all things SEO make them set members of my department. I would highly recommend Media Rocket.”
Clientlogos 21 | Vox Telecoms | Media Rocket Studio
Vera Romano
Executive Head of Marketing
Contact us  //  Bēhance  //  LinkedIn  //  Instagram  //  Facebook

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